
Noar. b.zmeg, the pali is so unpleasant – Krúbi went to Noár, who now questioned him thoroughly

In one of Krúbi’s new tracks, Mini Krúbi, there is a couple of lines that probably didn’t sit well with Noar, who has tried rapping himself, writes 444.

Then, last week, Krúbi also told Telex how unpleasant he finds Noár:

I won’t tell you the number of times when my fellow musicians were invited to perform at demonstrations and all kinds of non-governmental events, and were told that I wasn’t going because Noár was there. bazmeg, it works, because pali is so unpleasant.

He then said that he wouldn’t even go to the demonstration if Noár wasn’t there.

Said line reads:

“He’s still on cue to whistle, toss / He goes above and beyond to cringe at Noar.”

Noár reacted to the cringing not in rap, but on his page. Although he respects Krúbi’s opinion, he wondered what he should do differently:

Sometimes we also apply the handbrake because we are at a loss as to where and how to proceed, but then I turn to you now. How do you think it should be? How can you not cringe? How would you organize it? How would you do it?

Then he asked why he doesn’t participate in demonstrations.

Do you think it is more effective to communicate an active presence in public affairs to your students and followers?

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