
Novák and Varga failed so that Orbán would not have to prove it to the historian

“We haven’t seen anything like this since Lajos Simicska,” – this is how historian Stefano Bottoni reacted to Péter Magyar’s Facebook post on Saturday evening, Telex reports.

Image: Facebook

According to the paper, Bottoni said in an interview with Hvg360:

Simicska may have thought that Orbán was in the same weight group as Viktor, but Magyar was not. It would not have been obligatory for him to post, there could be a personal motivation behind it, which is hard as hell. This is a declaration of war.

Bottoni is an Italian-Hungarian historian, an associate professor at the University of Florence, who was also an employee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Obsessed with power. In his book Viktor Orbán’s Hungary, he presented the past forty years of Hungary through the life and work of the prime minister.

According to the historian, at the moment, Péter Magyar’s statements are the most important elements of the scandal that broke out due to the presidential pardon of Katalin Novák.

In addition to the resignation and withdrawal from public life of Katalin Novák and Judit Varga, a surprising development on Saturday was the application of Péter Magyar, Judit Varga’s ex-husband.

According to Bottoni, the big question is whether he agreed with Varga about this outburst and whether they will continue, since they know a lot about how the system works.

He sees that in the current situation, it is not Novák, but Varga who is the weak link, he is the one who has been crushed the most.

According to him, both women left public life stripped of their dignity.

According to Bottoni, Novák and Varga failed so that someone else – Viktor Orbán – would not have to, even though the prime minister has much greater political responsibility.

Orbán simply rotates people, strengthens his position at the expense of others, and he comes out of it positively with the constitutional amendment. This is troubling to me, but it is instructive in its own way

Bottoni said.

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