
now for violating temporary speed limits. The National Automobile Union expresses bewilderment at the Ministry of Transport


12/30/2023 00:12

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation plans to introduce fines for drivers who violate temporary speed limits indicated on road sign information boards. This is provided for in the draft government resolution.

Currently, drivers are not fined for violating such restrictions, since traffic police rely solely on permanent road signs. After the adoption of the relevant resolution, as reported by the Kommersant newspaper, new fines will begin to be issued.

Vice-President of the National Automobile Union Jan Heizeer expressed his opinion on the plans of the Ministry of Transport. He stressed the importance of acting within the framework of existing legislation and expressed the opinion that drivers should not be fined for failure to comply with temporary signs that are not included in the Rules of the Road. In addition, he expressed concerns about obstacles that would make it difficult to pass the resolution.

“How will the variability of information be taken into account? By what standards will this be determined? The story is a little strange, because information boards serve as warnings. <…> If in the morning it is announced on TV that drivers are advised not to drive on public roads, the same announcement can be considered a violation “, the expert noted in an interview with the 360 ​​TV channel.

Author Makar Gorshenin

Makar Vadimovich Gorshenin is a student at the Moscow University of Finance and Law, a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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