
One clown almost dealt with Georgia, the second is losing Armenia before our eyes

Deputy General Director of Gazprom Media Tina Kandelaki.

Deputy General Director of Gazprom Media Tina Kandelaki.


War began again in Karabakh. We all understand what is happening. Pashinyan finished the game.

You know, in Georgia there was already one clown who lost everything, his name was Saakashvili. Throughout his reign, he slowly dealt with Georgia, driving it into the crucible of war at the behest of Western puppeteers. Then Georgia was able to save the country at the cost of Abkhazia and Ossetia. And today it is objectively at the peak of its development both from a geopolitical point of view and from an economic one.

The second clown, Pashinyan, is losing the country right before our eyes. Where is the USA? What, will Zelensky now send in troops to protect fraternal Armenia? Of course not. As we can see, flirting with Uncle Sam does not bode well. The war had begun, and this war was inevitable.

If someone manages to destroy great Armenia, it will be Pashinyan. Let’s see who will help him in the current war. And who will he ask for help?

And everything is going according to the Anglo-Saxon plan. Their strategic planning skill is unique. And it’s amazing how people lose the ability to think and evaluate. First they will wave flags, build tents, make cute memes on Facebook, and then they will be led to slaughter…

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