
Orbán and his government treat us to the New Year with Hídvám

For the time being, the Orbán government “only” makes the three bridges of the M0 freeway toll. It has not yet been decided whether “Brussels” or “Soros” will be to blame, or perhaps the “war sanctions”.

He bends over every penny. Source: Utiber

János Lázár, the Fidesz minister responsible for transport, announced at the end of the summer that from January 1st, in addition to several other freeway sections, the sections of the M0 freeway will also be cut. Three bridges serving the traffic of Budapest are currently affected by the introduction of the bridge mine, reminiscent of the age of feudalism – writes the NLC.

There are a total of three bridges on the ring road bypassing Budapest,

which could be used for free by those driving vehicles with a total weight of less than 3.5 tons even after the Ring, designed for load relief, was made toll. From the first of January, however, this is a thing of the past, from now on the Megyeri Bridge, the Hárosi Bridge of the southern M0 and the Soroksári-Ráckevei Danube Bridge must all be replaced with the Pest County sticker if we wish to cross the river.

The only cheaper solution is

if we drive onto them with the one-day national highway sticker, the price of which was set at HUF 5,150 by the Lázárs. For comparison: the price of a ten-day national track sticker valid for passenger cars will be HUF 6,400 from 2024. A piquant detail is that the Danube bridges of the Szekszárd M9 and Dunavecs M8 motorway initiatives can still be used free of charge by cars, which

at the very least, it presupposes the establishment of a double standard

from the government regarding individual parts of the country. Another “interesting thing” about the motorway sections that are now tolled is that the recently completed M44 road section will also be cut. The M44 runs from Tiszakürt in Bács-Kiskun county to Békéscsaba in Békés county, without connecting to any other expressway.

Until now, the slogan of the family-friendly government was

that only those sections of expressways that are already connected somewhere to the national expressway network are made toll.

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