
Péter Magyar threatens the Fidesz lackey media with a lawsuit, he also took a stab at Rogán: “So much for the lies of the propaganda press”

Judit Varga’s ex-husband posted another post on his social media page.

Photo: Facebook / Péter Magyar

Péter Magyar initiates a press correction procedure against press products that spread untruths and, if necessary, a personal rights lawsuit, “just so I can return to my original profession as a lawyer and to feel cared for”.

Here is my statement of resignation from the MBH bank supervisory board of the Mészáros party. After announcing my resignation at the bank, today I received the document for signature from the bank’s managers. Perhaps it will appear on the stock exchange’s website today. Magyar Közút Zrt. also confirmed today that the ministry took note of my resignation on February 10. So much for the lies of the propaganda press.

He noted that if the court awards some kind of compensation, it will be offered to the victims of Bicske.

He reacted to István Tiborcz’s statements also:

Today we learned from the son-in-law of the nation that he does not want to get involved in political battles (apparently it is easier to enjoy their benefits). He also wrote that he wants to work to save the built heritage. I think this is a noble goal, maybe we should supplement it with the fight against theft on an industrial scale and join forces.

In his post, he said: “After a few days, the vanguard of Rogán’s communication finally woke up (were woken up?) and Megafon activists started discrediting me in a personal way with public money”.

As he writes, he is on good personal terms with many of them and will no longer be angry with them, “because everyone has to live on something”.

A question. Do you know which Tóni’s favorite animal is? The anti theft.

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