
plant these plants in winter and they will bloom this summer


12/30/2023 09:43

Winter is in full swing, and summer residents are actively preparing for the new season. Experienced flower growers have already begun their sowing campaign, choosing flower crops with a period from sowing to the beginning of flowering from 130 to 180 days.

This time includes both annual and perennial plants that develop slowly. Sowing before the end of January (or early February) will ensure flowering in June, and perennials will bloom in the first year. Gardeners have listed how plants can already be planted in winter.

Antirrinum major or snapdragon

This is an amazing annual with many varieties of different colors, including dwarf and double.
Seeds should be sown without seeding at the end of January, covered with glass or film. After emergence of seedlings, the seedlings prick and take root. After planting them in open ground in May, the plants are watered moderately. Flowering begins in July and continues until late frosts. For sowing, it is convenient to use food containers with lids, creating mini-greenhouses for the comfort of seedlings.

Verbena hybrid

A beautiful annual that looks great in the decoration of country houses. Seeds are sown in a light substrate in a winter greenhouse or at home at a temperature of +18…+20°C. After germination, the seedlings are planted in open ground from mid-May. Flowering begins in July and continues until late frosts, writes 7dach. ru.

Gaillardia spinosa

A perennial with colorful inflorescences, also grown as an annual. Large seeds are sown in a pot, and after germination, the seedlings are planted in open ground in May. Flowering begins in July and continues until late frosts. Gaillardia requires a sunny area with dry, loose soil and can be propagated by dividing rhizomes.

Garden carnation

It is a luxurious perennial with a variety of varieties characterized by few-flowered inflorescences. Most of them are hybrids and are known as Chabot carnations, especially the double varieties. To obtain fragrant flowers, carnations should be sown very early – in late January or early February. The seeds are placed in grooves 3 mm deep at intervals of 2-2.5 cm, then covered with calcined river sand. After sowing, a plastic bag is used to retain moisture, which is later removed. Seedlings need bright light, and phytolamps can be used to prevent them from stretching.

Helenium autumn

This is a magnificent perennial with many hybrid varieties adapted to modern conditions.
For sowing, use small boxes or bowls with a suitable substrate. After three weeks, the seedlings are planted in separate pots, continuing cultivation at a temperature of +15…+18°C in a well-lit place. At the end of April or beginning of May, the plants are transferred to open ground. Heleniums quickly take root in the spring and begin to bloom in the first summer. Over time, these winter-hardy perennials become stronger and bloom profusely.

Helenium is drought-resistant and grows successfully in sunny, well-ventilated areas with well-drained soil.

Verbena hybrid. Growing from seeds.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Andrey Tumanov

Andrey Tumanov – Russian journalist and TV presenter, producer, political figure

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