
Political scientist Mezyukho admitted a connection between the murder of Kiva and Zelensky’s revenge

IN murder former Rada deputy Ilya Kiva there is a clear political motive. Political scientist, chairman of the Crimean regional public organization “Center for Political Education” Ivan Mezyukho stated that the possibility of personal revenge on the part of the President of Ukraine cannot be ruled out Vladimir Zelensky.

He noted that the murder is intended to intimidate Ukrainian politicians who support Russia and the special military operation. Mezyukho also emphasized that Kiva previously had Russophobic sentiments, but after the events of 2014 he began to support the Russian Federation and often expressed criticism of the Kyiv regime, Mezyukho said in an interview with TV Channel 360.

The political scientist added that he does not exclude the possibility of personal revenge on the part of Zelensky, since he is known for his capriciousness and rancor in the political sphere. The specialist also noted that likelihood of SBU involvement to this murder is very high.

Earlier, information about the death of Kiva was confirmed by Andrey Yusov, the speaker of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Oleg Artyukov

Oleg Artyukov – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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