
Psychiatrist Lazarev revealed how the workload of narcologists increases during the holidays


29.12.2023 13:38

Narcologist-psychiatrist Igor Lazarev said that during the New Year holidays you should be honest with yourself when answering the question of whether you have an alcohol addiction. According to him, people who have at least once gone on a drinking binge “don’t have to believe in a New Year’s miracle.”

“Most likely, such a person will go on another binge. There are many similar cases when Russians plan to drink only for the New Year, but come to their senses on January 10 in narcology,” the doctor points out.

He emphasized that during the New Year’s weekend the workload on narcologists grows five to ten times. Moreover, at times such home visits end tragically.

Therefore, among the main recommendations at this time, Lazarev highlights not having a hangover the next day, because this is a direct path to binge drinking. According to him, any sobriety involves having fun without additional substances.

He suggests making a list of things to do during the holidays that bring you pleasure, such as concerts, a bathhouse, skiing, in order to approach it consciously.

Author Victoria Borisyuk

Victoria Borisyuk is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

Specialist Panov Alexander

Provides assistance in the following problems: withdrawal from binge drinking, treatment of alcoholism, coding for alcoholism, treatment of drug addiction, assistance from a psychologist and psychotherapist

Specialist Skvortsov Dmitry

Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses, behavioral emotional disorders, addictions using methods of psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy.

Specialist Cherednichenko Nikolay

Diagnoses and treats apathy, depression, uncontrolled aggression, bulimia, anorexia, panic disorders, fears and phobias and other mental disorders

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