
Psychologist warns about the dangers of playing Secret Santa at work

Firstly, no matter what they give you, you should be grateful for the attention, “even if it’s the 158th bottle of cognac, and you don’t drink,” notes Life’s interlocutor. After all, your colleagues singled you out and wanted to please you, so it’s important to show interest in the gift. By the way, you should open it right away only if the situation requires it.

“Don’t forget to thank the donor personally and, even better, to establish a friendly relationship, write him a letter with words of gratitude in a couple of days and tell him again how grateful you are for his attention,” recommends Sambursky.

Secondly, if you receive a gift from a colleague and you don’t have a gift in return, don’t panic or apologize. Instead, the psychologist advises telling the donor that you really appreciate his attention and that you will definitely think about how to thank him. You can give your colleague something later when you find a suitable gift, but this is not necessary. Often it is enough to take the time and invite them for coffee or lunch.

Well, thirdly, Life’s interlocutor advises to be especially careful with the fashion for “Secret Santa” – this is when the team takes turns drawing lots and in the end each person receives one gift, not knowing which of his colleagues is his anonymous benefactor. It happens that one of the players does not receive a gift. Perhaps his “Secret Santa” was embarrassed, or more often than not, he simply forgot about the present. In both cases, the disadvantaged player will feel humiliated.

Secret Santa has pitfalls. For example, a gift may seem offensive or inappropriate, which could offend or anger a colleague. Few strict accountants will appreciate an edible thong, and chapstick given to a security guard will most likely cause irritation. And a gift that is too expensive, romantic or too personal can spark gossip for months to come.

Earlier, Russians told which New Year gifts infuriate them the most. It turns out that not everyone would like to receive items of clothing as a gift, especially with New Year’s prints. Most often these are socks, bathrobes, sweaters, T-shirts, hats and scarves. In addition, we wrote about in which cities and countries Russians plan to celebrate the New Year. It turned out that the majority of the Russian population (77.2%) planning to celebrate the holiday on the road travel around our country and stay in domestic hotels.

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