
Psychologists explained the advantage of living separately for a young family with the risk of remaining immature


02/13/2024 07:16

Young families often begin their lives together by staying in the parental home with their father-in-law, mother-in-law, or both. This period may drag on for several years, despite initial intentions. One of the partners may like this arrangement – after all, it saves money on rent, especially if it is only possible to pay utilities.

But another may experience discomfort from constant proximity to relatives sharing common spaces and frequent conflicts.

Psychologist Artemy Sibirsky noted that about a quarter of young families in Russia live with their parents for the first five years of marriage. This is due not only to financial considerations, but also to cultural and family traditions.

Psychologist Ekaterina Murashova emphasizes that the transition to living in someone else’s home can be difficult for the incoming partner, who must adapt to existing rules with which he does not always agree. She advises discussing all living conditions in advance to reduce possible conflicts.

Psychotherapist Evgeniy Gibert notes the advantages of living in the parental home, such as the opportunity to exchange experiences with father-in-law and mother-in-law or leaving the child under the supervision of grandparents, which saves money. However, he also advises striving for your own home.

Psychologist Alena Kareva adds that it is important to refuse to live with parents if they do not respect the personal space of the young family or interfere in its affairs without consent.

Elena Novopashina, also a psychologist, warns that a young family living under the supervision of parents can remain immature and dependent. Therefore, it is important to discuss the motives for wanting to live with parents and striving for an independent life.

Valery Gut, candidate of psychological sciences, advises discussing the motives for wanting to live with parents with your partner and looking for compromise solutions. He notes that one of the reasons for independent living is the need for psychological maturation and development of independence from parents, reports “News of the Moscow region“.

Author Makar Gorshenin

Makar Vadimovich Gorshenin is a student at the Moscow University of Finance and Law, a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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