
Putin showed Kim Jong-un the Vostochny cosmodrome: What the leaders of the two countries talked about

Officially, Kim Jong-un came to Vostochny because he wants to develop his own space program in the DPRK

Officially, Kim Jong-un came to Vostochny because he wants to develop his own space program in the DPRK


Kim Jong-un arrived at the Vostochny cosmodrome in his signature green armored train. The famous wooden staircase with a carpet was already waiting for the politician – the doors of the carriage stopped exactly opposite her.

Western media wrote a few days ago that the head of the DPRK wants to look at the launch pad, but the Kremlin until the morning of Wednesday, September 13, did not say where exactly Comrade Kim was going from the border. Putin himself said at the WEF plenary that everyone will know about his plans when the time comes.

Previously, Vladimir Vladimirovich got to Vostochny either by helicopter, if the weather permitted, or by car, if the weather was bad. But in August, the airport under construction received the first plane, so the Russian leader could get there anyway. In any case, it is unlikely that he also took the train.


First of all, Vladimir Putin met with schoolgirl Maria Andreeva from Rostov-on-Don. The girl participated on September 1 in an open lesson “Talking about important things”, taught by the president. She said that she herself creates and develops satellites.

The head of the country invited the student to watch the launch of the Soyuz MS-24 spacecraft with a Russian-American crew, scheduled for September 15 at Baikonur.

– You have a small cosmonautics, but here it is big. Yuri Ivanovich Borisov (head of Roscosmos – Ed.), we talked to him yesterday, he said, if you want, you can go to the launch, – the Russian leader suggested.

The head of the DPRK asked Russia to share technology

The head of the DPRK asked Russia to share technology



Officially, Kim Jong-un came to Vostochny because he wants to develop his own space program in the DPRK. But the politician was more interested not in the satellites themselves, but in the rockets that lift them.

– What is the power of the engine that is launched from this cosmodrome? – Comrade Kim asked a very specific question.

No one discussed the fact that rockets can fly not only into space, but also across the ocean.

Vladimir Putin showed his colleague the launch pad. Borisov spoke about a long-standing tradition:

– We have a tradition, started by the founder Sergei Korolev, of always going around the rocket counterclockwise at launch.


After a tour of the cosmodrome, Comrade Kim left a note in the guest book: “The glory of Russia, which gave birth to the first space explorers, will be immortal.”

Well, then the protocol open part of the meeting of politicians began.

– The meeting is still taking place at a new time for us. Most recently, the DPRK celebrated 75 years of its founding and creation. 75 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries. It was our country that was the first to recognize the sovereign, independent state of the DPRK. Very soon we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of the War of Independence, the victory of the Korean people in this war,” said Vladimir Putin.

True, formally there were no winners in the Korean War. Both sides, having reached a positional impasse, concluded a truce. And the two countries are still at war.

The head of the DPRK asked Russia to share technology

The head of the DPRK asked Russia to share technology


– Now Russia is rising to a sacred struggle to defend its state sovereignty and protect its security. We have always supported and support all decisions of President Putin and the Russian government. “I hope that we will always be together in the fight against imperialism,” Comrade Kim said in turn.

The open part turned out to be small. The heads of state mentioned the economy and humanitarian sphere. They said nothing about military-technical cooperation, although the defense ministers of the two states were present at the meeting.

South Korean and American media write that Kim Jong-un is going to ask us to share space and missile technologies. In exchange, he can supply artillery shells and anti-tank missiles. The DPRK has been modernizing Soviet weapons for many years, so their ammunition may well be suitable for our guns.

But the Kremlin has never confirmed any arms supplies from Asia.


Negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un September 13, 2023: Main

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