
Realtor Ivanov: renting an apartment has become more difficult due to rising mortgage prices

Renting housing has become more difficult and expensive. Realtors suggested several powerful life hacks to tenants


03/25/2024 12:22

Due to increasing demand for rented accommodation Landlords have become more demanding of tenants, writes URA.RU.

“Landlords have become more demanding because they do not experience a shortage of demand,” he explained to the agency Leading analyst of the federal company “Etazhi” Alexander Ivanov.

He cited the rise in mortgage prices as the reason: “Average rental rates have increased and tenants are forced to shift their interest towards more affordable temporary housing. At the same time, those who have entered the market due to the decreased availability of mortgages for finished housing and the growing requirements for the minimum down payment for primary market is forced to postpone the purchase in order to accumulate the missing amount.”

According to Ivanov, more and more often, owners require a deposit for the property in the apartment or add the cost of its insurance to the rent, refuse tenants with animals, and take a “cleaning” deposit – money for cleaning in case the tenants move out, leaving the home dirty. “If the apartment is in good condition, then the cleaning deposit is returned,” he explained.

The expert advised tenants to dress up when going to view options. “In rentals, just like in everyday life, people are greeted by their clothes, so it’s easier for a visually reliable tenant to count on a discount,” noted Ivanov. “There are owners who personally meet their guests and pay attention to absolutely everything: appearance, brand cars, asking about the place of work.”

Founder of the real estate agency “Dragee” Nikita Slovikovsky recommended that tenants subscribe to several services with rental advertisements and immediately respond to offers that appear there.

“The rental market is very fast. The best options can fly away even in 10-15 minutes – we have had such cases,” he explained. “Therefore, the most profitable options have always been rented and will be rented by the most nimble tenants.”

Feel free to bargain, encouraged Head of the long-term rental category at Avito Real Estate Konstantin Kamenev. Especially if you are going to settle for a long time – this is obviously a more convenient option for homeowners. In addition, do not skimp on prepayment – this is also a powerful argument for asking for a bigger discount.

Previously found out from realtors, who find it most difficult to rent an apartment in Moscow.

Author Sergey Kobin

Sergey Kobin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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