
“Renaissance Insurance”: most Russians consider a car “a member of the family”

An insurance company has found out why car defects are a cause for stress for Russian drivers.


03/26/2024 00:05

Half of Russians have a careful attitude towards their car due to the fact that drivers consider the car almost a “member of the family.” Renaissance Insurance came to this conclusion as a result of a survey of 1,600 car owners from large Russian cities.

47% of respondents expressed a “kinship” attitude towards the vehicle. For 41%, defects in a car are a reason for stress, since car repairs are associated with large expenses, and slightly less (40%) are afraid of being left without a vehicle due to a breakdown. 31% of Russian car owners are afraid that malfunctions in the car will disrupt their plans, and 16% admitted that they do not have the energy and time for repairs.

The survey also showed that 69% of Russians stop actively caring for their car after two years, and only a small part (13%) take good care of it for up to 3-5 years. A fifth of respondents admitted that they stop worrying about the appearance of the car after a few scratches on the paint.

Some Russians (14%) stop closely monitoring the condition of the car if they manage to find a suitable analogue or when serious problems with the body appear (12%).

Author Olga Gladkikh

Olga Gladkikh – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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