
Rospotrebnadzor said that turnips will help the heart and liver, and will also save you from Alzheimer’s

This vegetable successfully saves from Alzheimer’s and preserves the liver. Rospotrebnadzor experts explain


02/12/2024 23:33

Rospotrebnadzor advises adding a vegetable to your diet that has been known in Russia for many years. It has an abundance of vitamins and can help with colds.

Turnips, although not the most common vegetable, are considered a nutritious and healthy root vegetable. It contains antioxidants, folic acid, sterols, polysaccharides, as well as vitamins B, C, PP and provitamin A. In addition, turnip has a positive effect on cardiac function, preventing excessive platelet formation and reducing blood pressure.

This vegetable also promotes liver function and stimulates the secretion of bile, preventing the formation of gallstones and reducing cholesterol levels. In addition, turnips contain lysozyme, a substance with antimicrobial properties.

Particular attention should be paid to turnip leaves, which are a source of vitamin K, which prevents the development of Alzheimer’s disease and helps strengthen bones. Turnip juice is also used to treat coughs, sore throats and restore voice after voice loss.

However, Rospotrebnadzor reminds of the importance of limiting turnip consumption for those who are prone to allergic reactions, have increased stomach sensitivity, suffer from complicated forms of diabetes, or have other medical contraindications. It is also not recommended to include turnips in the diet of children under two years of age.

Specialist Pshenichko Larisa

As an endocrinologist, he treats and diagnoses hormonal disorders; thyroid diseases; pathologies of the adrenal glands; diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2; neuropathy in diabetes mellitus; pituitary tumors; ovarian dysfunction

Specialist Timofeeva Galina

Possesses modern knowledge and experience in clinical endocrinology

Specialist Ignatova Olga

Engaged in the management of patients with distal polyneuropathy, diabetic foot syndrome, treatment of obesity, osteoporosis, endocrine causes of infertility in women and men

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