
Russian scientists have figured out how to make healthy flour that lowers cholesterol


20.11.2023 15:23

Experts from the Russian Biotechnological University received innovative technology for manufacturing a fundamentally new type of flour, the raw material for which is soybean meal. The new product contains a lot of protein, iron, fiber, potassium and manganese, which help improve metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels.

Scientists explained that Russians traditionally eat a lot of bread. On average, one citizen of the Russian Federation eats 90.3 kg of bakery products per year.

However, today health-conscious young people are increasingly giving up bread in order not to gain weight and maintain normal health.

“An alternative is products made from flour processed from agricultural crops that are still unusual for Russian residents. Thus, one of the most promising technologies in terms of demand in the food industry and benefits for humans is the technology for processing soybean meal into flour,” said experts quoted by RT.

Experts recalled that soy proteins are well absorbed. And in addition to proteins, soy contains many valuable minerals, in particular, zinc, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and also vitamins B and C. The author of the study, associate professor of the department of grain, baking and confectionery technologies at the Russian Biotechnological University, recalled this. ROSBIOTECH) Roman Kandrokov.

The scientist explained that the technology he created is to make low-calorie flour from a secondary product of soybean processing – meal – which does not contain cholesterol, but is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. And from this flour you can easily bake bread and use it to make confectionery products.


Specialist Lebed Dmitry

Therapist, functional diagnostics doctor

Specialist Kramerova Alla

Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, including bronchitis, colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, gastrointestinal tract, food poisoning, urinary system, etc.

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