
Scientists have discovered that our ancestors used the bones of the dead for domestic purposes.

Scientists have discovered that our ancestors used the bones of the dead for domestic purposes.

A study of skeletal remains discovered in the Marmoles Cave in southern Spain, carried out by archaeologists under the direction of Zita Lafranchi from the University of Bern, revealed a rather unusual practice of our ancient ancestors. It seems that the first people had no qualms about giving the dead a second life, turning their bones into functional ones. tools.

In a collection of bones dating back thousands of years, scientists have found several specimens with clear signs of use, including a skull that may have been transformed into drinking vessel. In addition, other bones showed traces of processing that may have resulted from attempts to extract bone marrow and soft tissue. Although the exact reasons for this practice are not yet clear, the prevailing theory among researchers suggests that it was most likely part of a deliberate cultural tradition.

Despite the fact that in the cave Marmoles A significant number of human remains have been discovered; until now it has not been subjected to a comprehensive anthropological study. LaFranchi and her colleagues conducted new radiocarbon dating, anthropological studies and taphonomic analysis of modified bones found in the cave, seeking to further understand the lives and deaths of its former inhabitants.

Analysis showed that the cave served burial place in the period from the 5th to the 2nd millennium BC. e. This suggests that the cave had symbolic significance for the local population over a long period of time and most likely served as a place for burial traditions.

In addition, the team found a fragment of the shaft of the tibia and fibula with a smooth polished surface covered with fine scratches, indicating that these bones were used as tools shortly after death, when they were still fresh.

Although the definitive reasons for these manipulations remain unclear, the researchers believe that continued data collection and detailed observation will eventually help clarify these ancient customs.

How the ritual burials of our ancestors took place // Drobyshevsky. Homo sapiens

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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