
She received a mammoth in the shape of poop as a gift, and the old lowland woman almost died

Menye was surprised by the gift, which even according to the emergency services, was a “shit” choice.

Image: National Ambulance Service / Facebook

An elderly woman in the Southern Great Plains almost lost her life when she received a mammoth emblazoned with a poop emoji as a gift, according to the social media page of the National Rescue Service. It is said that the 80-year-old woman was surprised by her daughter-in-law with the mamus so that her feet wouldn’t get cold.

The old woman wanted to use the mamus the next day, but after a few minutes she tripped and fell.

His hip was also injured, so he could hardly move. Fortunately, he had his phone with him, on which he immediately notified the ambulance and his daughter-in-law. The ambulance took him to the hospital in a stable condition.

Source: National Ambulance Service / Facebook

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