
Tamás Gyárfás spoke about the verdict: it is irrational to believe that he had anything to do with the Fenyő murder

At first instance, the Metropolitan Court sentenced Tamás Gyárfás to seven years in prison and Tamás Portik to life imprisonment.

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Balogh

According to his lawyer, this was the right decision, who also said that he believes that the second-degree verdict could take place either at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year. However, according to György Magyar, the court will modify this compared to the first-instance verdict.

Tamás Gyárfás spoke on ATV Start on Tuesday morning about how it is irrational to believe that he had anything to do with the Fenyő murder. The former producer of Napkelte said that he did not want to speak after the court verdict, but in the end he accepted the role because he feels that there are many misinformation about his case in the press.

According to him, one of these was widespread: he spread his arms when Portik Tamás told him about the killing of János Fenyő. According to Gyárfás, during another conversation two months later, there was talk of open hands, he never identified with Tamás Portik’s intentions. Gyárfás also said that he does not want to qualify the court’s decision, he expects that the truth will be revealed in the second instance.

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