
Terrorists threaten to blow up schools – Terror preparedness has been raised to the highest level in France

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced on Sunday evening that he would “raise security alertness to the highest level” in France, as threats to blow up schools and attack CNews television, among other things, were received on the Internet.

“Given the Islamic State’s claim of responsibility for the attack and the threats facing our country, we have decided to raise Vigipirate’s security alert to the highest level: an assassination alert”

– wrote the head of government on social media site X after the meeting of the defense council, which was convened by President Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential office.

The Prime Minister’s Office informed the AFP news agency that the Islamic State threatened Franceand the jihadist organization is also behind several assassination plans that have recently been foiled in European countries, including France and Germany, MTI reported.

Paris is almost empty Photo: AFP

“122 schools will explode on Monday”

– reads the message that the students of a high school in Lille sent to their parents. The author of the message also threatened to attack the CNews news channel owned by billionaire businessman Vincent BollorĂ©.

In the Paris region, around fifty educational institutions, mainly secondary schools, received terrorist threats and recordings of beheadings via the schools’ digital interfaces

– it is Infostart according to his information.

The high degree of security preparedness in France is also justified by the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, which will be held in the summer, for which millions will come to French soil. The Olympic opening ceremony on July 26 will be a high security risk, on this day countless ships will parade on the Seine, and the event will be watched by crowds from the quays – reports

Source: MTI,,

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