
“That’s not why I’m paying that fucking TB!” said the middle-aged woman when the ambulance stopped on the way to revive an elderly man

The National Ambulance Service posted an unexpected post on its Facebook page.

Photo: OMSZ/Facebook

However, the paramedics have now given news of a less cheerful case and letter.

What happened was that the ambulances were recently called to a woman in her forties. After treating the woman with an upper arm injury on the spot, the paramedics put her in the car to take her to the hospital, but in the meantime they were alerted to another case, and the emergency management sent the unit to CPR in a nearby public area.

The life of the 60-year-old man could not be saved despite the coordinated teamwork of the rescuers, and he died on the spot. The ambulance unit continued its journey to the hospital with the original injured person, as it turned out, they arrived at the institution 57 minutes “late” – which completely upset the woman with an upper arm injury.

“I don’t fucking want to look through the open door as they push pipes into someone with a blue head”

– wrote, among other things, the outraged patient, who urged an immediate investigation and accountability.

During the procedure, which took place without the hearing of witnesses, it has since been established that the rescue manager made the best possible decision, so it is true that 57 minutes were wasted in transporting the woman (in stable condition), but help for resuscitation arrived within 4 minutes and 16 seconds, while a a further free rescue unit was also alerted.

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