
The concert director spoke about changes in show business after the “naked” party


12/30/2023 14:03

Events around the “naked” party Anastasia Ivleevawhich became the reason for public convictions Lolitas, Philip Kirkorova and other artists have had a significant impact on the corporate performance market in Russia, said an experienced concert and theater director and composer Alexander Benish.

He emphasized that top performers such as Shaman, Leps And Stas Mikhailov, were not affected by the scandal and retain high fees, estimated in the tens of millions. However, the situation for Philip Kirkorov, who is known for his omnipresence, has become less favorable. After the scandal, he may have to make concessions and consider reducing his fees.

Alexander Benish also noted that the corporate events market is experiencing some agony. The first echelon artists are scheduled in advance, and their services are in demand. However, in such economically challenging times, performance prices have skyrocketed and demands have increased. However, even with the increase in cost, popular artists remain in the spotlight and continue to be restrained in their choice of events, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports.

The composer summarized by saying that, despite the difficult times for the country, there were no strict bans on private parties. However, large state corporations try not to hold large-scale events.

Previously reportedthat a new lawsuit has been prepared against Anastasia Ivleeva.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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