
The Constitutional Court refuses to expand the authority of the Levantine Council to track the outcome of its recommendations and considers what it carries out to be “only advisory tasks” – Al-Youm 24

The Constitutional Court stated that the Economic, Social and Environmental Council’s monitoring of “the outcome of the opinions and recommendations issued by it and the measures taken in their regard by the parties concerned with them” does not conform to what is included in the Council’s bylaws.
She justified her decision by saying that the constitution stipulates that this council performs “advisory tasks only” for the benefit of the Prime Minister and the Speakers of the House of Representatives and Advisors.
The regulatory law relating to the Council also limits its tasks to the scope of preparatory and executive roles, “which does not allow the bylaws to expand these tasks.”
She stated that the Prime Minister and the Speakers of the two Houses of Parliament, on their own initiative, are the ones who are responsible for “informing the Council of the outcome of the opinions I have expressed.”
The court issued its decision on Wednesday after reviewing the amendments introduced to the internal regulations of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, which were referred by the President of this Council on December 4, in order to determine their conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the organizational law related to the Council.
The Council’s organizational law requires that its bylaws be referred to the Constitutional Court before it begins to be implemented, to decide on its compliance with the Constitution.
The court issued its decision after reviewing the written comments made by members of the House of Advisors, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Prime Minister, recorded by its General Secretariat, respectively, on December 13, 14, and 15 of this month.
The Constitution stipulates that the government, the House of Representatives, and the Economic Council be consulted on all issues of an economic, social, and environmental nature.
The regulatory law related to this Council also stipulates that the Council’s office prepares the draft agenda of the General Assembly, draft work programs for its committees and working groups, and implements the decisions of the General Assembly of the Council.
It also stipulates that the Prime Minister and the Speakers of the House of Representatives and the House of Advisors
They inform the Council of the outcome of the opinions they have expressed.

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