
The doctor named a product that will restore success in bed


10.10.2023 14:36

To prolong an active sex life up to 80 years and even longer, according to a sexologist Alexandra Miller, men and women should include certain foods in their diet. She emphasized the importance of such products that help maintain potency throughout life.

In her opinion, the 83-year-old Al Pacinowho became a father for the fourth time, was able to maintain his sexual activity through eating seafood and possibly a healthy lifestyle.

“Seafood such as mussels, urchins and clams, as well as other seafood, can help increase libido in both men and women. It’s important to consider that they promote sexual health,” explains Miller.

The sexologist also noted that Al Pacino’s general health and sexual activity could be positively influenced by the lack of stress and quality sleep.

Miller emphasized that for many men, sperm remain active almost throughout their lives, and the ability to conceive may depend on the general condition and health of the body.

“Activity is not always related to age, and even at 25 years old, some men may experience problems in this area,” the doctor concluded.

How to increase potency in 5 minutes // How to quickly correct impaired potency // The secret of male power

Specialist Gubarev Victor

Conducts diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases using various methods of manual therapy: pain in the joints, spine, back, headaches, migraines and dizziness, muscle hypertonicity, spinal osteochondrosis, glenohumeral periarthritis, radiculitis.

Specialist Kovalchuk Yulia

Head of department, psychotherapist, sexologist

Specialist Balaev Azamat

Diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, urogenital infections, cystoscopy, urological operations

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