
The dollar exchange rate was 92 rubles for the first time since August


10/31/2023 11:54

The dollar exchange rate on the Moscow Exchange is below 92 rubles, this figure has been recorded for the first time since August 2. These are the trading data as of October 31st.

At 9:59 Moscow time, the dollar fell to 92 rubles. (-0.92%). By 10:03 Moscow time, the decline had slowed down and the figure was recorded at 92.15 rubles. (-0.77%).

The euro lost 0.79%, falling to 97.87 rubles, and the yuan was at around 12.55 rubles. (-0.71%).

The ruble exchange rate is forecast to weaken in November. But in general, next month the ruble will not go beyond the corridor of 88-92 ₽/$, the analyst concludes.

Author Ilya Klyuchnikov

Ilya Klyuchnikov is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

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