
The far right is getting stronger, and Austria can stand on its head

Surveys indicate that the Freedom Party (FPÖ) will win both the European parliamentary elections in June and the Austrian parliamentary elections in the fall.

Several thousand people protested – several times – against the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) in Vienna over the weekend. According to opinion polls, the far-right party has been the most popular political formation in the country for more than a year. With the EU and parliamentary elections approaching, Austria can be turned upside down.

Photo: Euraktiv DE

“This party incites the greatest hatred that undermines our democracy”

– thought one of the Viennese demonstrators.

“We are the grandmothers against the extreme right”

said another woman.

“We have to work together on the solution and not just say: ‘repatriation’, foreigners out”

a third opinion was voiced.

The Euronews according to his coverage, “many people excommunicated him, but even more voted for the FPÖ. The party criticizes the rise in the cost of living and the violence on the streets of Vienna – and proposes a vote of no confidence in the government.”

Austria may move towards Hungary while isolating itself in Europe

Taking advantage of the deteriorating economic situation, the FPÖ is bombarding voters with messages. Europe must prepare for an isolating Austria pushing towards Hungary,”

According to political scientist Markus Wagner

“the FPÖ is less enthusiastic about war support for Ukraine and is much more positive towards Orbán. This would also mean a reorganization on the international scene, although this largely depends on how far the FPÖ’s partner parties will go”.

Surveys indicate that the FPÖ will win both the European parliamentary elections in June and the Austrian parliamentary elections in the fall. Austria’s future chancellor will hardly be an easy partner for Brussels.

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