
The hero of special operation “Z” Major Gorbakonenko uncovered the attempt of saboteurs to cross the border

Major Pavel Gorbakonenko and Sergeant Dmitry GORBUNOV

Major Pavel Gorbakonenko and Sergeant Dmitry GORBUNOV

We continue to introduce the heroes of special operation “Z” – participants in the fighting in Donbass. Privates, sergeants, corporals and officers who showed their professional experience, character and completed combat missions. Their determination, assertiveness and combat experience are highly appreciated by the Russian Ministry of Defense and the police units of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Our heroes thwarted attacks and prevented nationalist counter-offensives, for which they received state awards. But they do not serve for the sake of praise. The servicemen are confident that the enemy has no chance of success, because Donbass and Russia are fighting for a just cause.

“Never despise your enemy, whatever he may be, and get to know his weapons, his way of acting and fighting. Know what his strength is and what the enemy’s weakness is,” said Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. And he taught the soldiers: “Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful.”


Sergeant Dmitry GORBUNOV

“Grenade launcher Sergeant Dmitry Gorbunov, acting as part of a motorized rifle platoon, carried out a combat mission to defend one of the populated areas. The enemy launched an assault on the village. Dmitry’s platoon was in the direction of the main attack of the Ukrainian militants. During the ensuing battle, while under heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire, Gorbunov destroyed two enemy Fury-type unmanned aerial vehicles, which were adjusting artillery and mortar fire. While repelling the enemy attack, Dmitry was wounded, but despite this, he remained in position and continued to fight with superior enemy forces. Fire from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher destroyed one enemy tank and, as part of a platoon, continued to fire at enemy infantry. Having suffered losses, the enemy retreated. The personal courage and dedication of Sergeant Dmitry Gorbunov made it possible to successfully complete the combat mission, inflicting significant losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment.”


Major Pavel Gorbakonenko

“A group of Russian military personnel under the command of Major Gorbakonenko guarded the state border in the area of ​​one of the settlements. While conducting a tour of the assigned territory and checking nearby objects, Pavel discovered an attempt by the enemy to cross the state border. Having transferred the location coordinates to the command post of the battalion tactical group, Pavel, together with the group entrusted to him, entered into battle with superior enemy forces. For an hour, waging an unequal battle, drawing the enemy forces towards himself, Major Pavel Gorbakonenko provided the opportunity for the reinforcement group to attack the flank of the enemy unit. The damage caused forced the enemy to retreat. During the battle, fire from small arms and grenade launchers destroyed several armored fighting vehicles and most of the group of militants. With competent and skillful actions, the officer prevented an attempt to carry out a provocation and break through the state border.”

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