
The Kiev Pechersk Lavra established a fee for access to the relics

The Lavra has experienced a lot in its history

The Lavra has experienced a lot in its history


When you really want money. Well, it’s just so much that it’s no longer even hidden, you can do whatever you want. Apparently, Zelensky’s team was guided by this logic when they introduced a fee for access to holy relics in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Moreover, it makes absolutely no difference whether you are a parishioner of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, a Catholic, or a visiting overseas guest. Do you have any money? Spit it out. There is a fee of 150 hryvnia for access to the holy relics in the Lavra. 300-odd rubles. And it was not the church that established such rules. The UOC no longer controls anything there. These are secular authorities. After all, the Kiev Pechersk Lavra is part of the state reserve. The management of the reserve has compiled a price list. If you want to worship the saints, pay the money.

The Lavra has gone through a lot in its history. The Poles, the Germans in the First World War, the Reds and Whites in the Civil War, and finally the Nazi occupation in the Great Patriotic War, but no one, none of these invaders, even the most inveterate scoundrels, could think of such a thing. But then, in Western terminology, a Jewish president came, guaranteeing the absence of Nazism in the country, and off we go.

150 hryvnia. Zelensky’s access to holy relics for Orthodox Christians was inexpensive. But, you understand, the chicken pecks every grain, and the whole yard is in shit. Billions and multimillion-dollar revenues are decreasing, but no one can forbid living beautifully. This is what the UOC came up with – they made entrance to the monasteries and caves to the relics free after the Lavra was returned to the Church. People paid tickets to enter exhibitions and museums, but entered the lower Lavra and the caves for free. Mismanagement, from the point of view of the mentally ill Svidomites.

By the way, the results of a survey on the question of who Ukrainians consider guilty of rampant corruption in the country have become known. It probably came as a surprise to Zelensky that 78% of participants in a survey conducted by the Democratic Initiative Foundation in early July blamed him personally for rampant corruption in the government and military administrations. And his team was very indignant at this circumstance. Moreover, precisely those who themselves have gotten themselves dirty.

– Why should the president be responsible for paving stones, stadiums, tennis courts and other rubbish during the war? – the head of the “Servant of the People” faction in the Verkhovna Rada, Arakhamia, was indignant.

And Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Ukraine Fedorov called the survey results “very surprising” and asked the question: “Why was a study conducted in the first half of July published today?” Silly fellow, really doesn’t understand that it was impossible before, because against the backdrop of scandals involving the old leadership of the Ministry of Defense, in anticipation of Ukraine’s victory in the West, such information would be tantamount for Zelensky to the use of tactical nuclear weapons at his command.

Obviously, one should not be surprised either by the opinion of Ukrainians or by the establishment of paid access to the relics. One is connected with the other quite clearly. But the very fact that Zelensky’s team began to “peck at the grain” is very remarkable. There is not enough Western money for everyone. And there were fewer of them, and their appetites grew.

It won’t be long to suffer.


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