
The LDPR’s plans to involve the Zhirinovsky neural network in the elections are PR


29.11.2023 22:00

Director of the DZ systems group of companies Dmitry Zavalishin in conversation with Pravda. Ru appreciated the plans of the LDPR party to attract election observation in 2024, the Zhirinovsky neural network.

The expert believes that we are talking about an attempt to “catch hype” on this news. Zavalishin doubts that the Zhirinovsky neural network is a serious development that will be looked at just as seriously.

The programmer recalled that in general, working with neural networks, with any topic of artificial intelligence, is always working in advisory mode.

“Today you cannot replace a doctor with artificial intelligence. But you can make a tool that will help the doctor pay attention to some things that the doctor might have overlooked. But the decision is made by the doctor. It’s the same here: make a tool that will probably be somewhere- then help analyze data flows and point out places that require human attention, and this is more or less real. And in this sense, it is possible that the LDPR has something,” Zavalishin said.

The expert is convinced that AI will take over routine work in this case as well, but the final decisions still remain with humans.

Zavalishin noted that observing elections is hard work and requires a huge amount of attention. Part of this work can be transferred to electronic systems that help you not to manually review a huge flow of information, but to run it through a system that will analyze everything and tell you what exactly a person should pay attention to.

And the fact that this neural network is named after Vladimir Zhirinovsky is pure PR, the programmer is sure.

“Here the neural network as the face of a famous politician looks like some kind of PR component. But it’s unlikely that in this place it should be considered as really some kind of avatar of the real Zhirinovsky. It’s like writing “Gogol” or “Pushkin” on a ship, or on an airplane. This does not mean that this aircraft carries some part of the genius of the great poet,” Zavalishin added.

Earlier, the LDPR party said that they were going to involve the Zhirinovsky neural network to work in the 2024 elections as an observer.

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