
The most famous plastic surgeon in Morocco faces his “absent conscience” – Al-Youm 24

The trial sessions of Hassan Al-Tazi, a well-known plastic surgeon in Morocco, were among the most famous trials witnessed in 2023. Especially since his arrest, along with his wife and brother, in 2022, was a big surprise among public opinion.

Hassan Al-Tazi is accused, while in pre-trial detention in Okasha prison for more than a year, of the crime of human trafficking by luring people and exploiting their state of weakness, need and fragility for the purpose of exploitation to carry out criminal acts (fraud and defrauding donors in good faith). This exact accusation has raised major questions from public opinion, especially since The doctor appeared in the media as a doctor who did not hesitate to provide humanitarian aid to needy patients.

Among the charges, along with his wife, his brother, and another defendant who says she is a philanthropist, along with a nurse, receptionist, and accountant at his clinic, include “forming a criminal gang through multiple and habitual acts, and committing it against minors under the age of 18 who suffer from illness.”

All of the defendants in this file, including the doctor, deny the charges against them. They also confirm that they did not receive any instructions from Hassan Al-Tazi, in his capacity as the owner of the clinic, regarding photographing destitute patients in order to convince benefactors to cover the expenses of their treatment at the clinic, or orders regarding inflating bills.

Doctor Al-Tazi appeared in more than one session before the court. He was elegant, did not dye his hair, and gray hair covered his entire head. While the judge was listening to him, he was sometimes emotional, or broke down crying from time to time, but he tried hard to convince the ruling body of his innocence. .

The doctor also stressed that “trafficking in human beings is a heavy charge and its punishment is as well.” He stressed that “he freed people and did not traffic them.” Addressing the judge, he added, “Allow me to change the charge of human trafficking to emancipating people.” He also mentioned, “We free the patient at the mercy of God.” God,” he stressed that he did not know what was going on in his clinic, especially since the court confronted him with documents and phone calls from a woman presenting herself as a philanthropist in his clinic, involved in photographing needy patients and sending pictures to prominent figures in Morocco, including ministers and businessmen, with the intention of convincing them to send sums to cover the expenses of patients being treated. In his health.

During one of his hearing sessions, he repeated the phrase “His Majesty the King” more than once, and even said that “He is here defending the name of His Majesty the King.” He expressed his pride in being Moroccan and holding the Royal Medal; He said, “The King granted me a medal and I defend him. The medal is like a weight on my chest as I defend the name of His Majesty the King.” Then he added: “The King cannot make a mistake against me by granting me the medal, and I will explain that to you here.” The preliminary ruling has not yet been issued against Al-Tazi and the rest of the defendants. This judicial ruling is certainly awaited with interest by public opinion.

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