
The offenders of Batalov’s widow and daughter demand that the appeal be sent from Moscow to St. Petersburg

By decision of the court, 53-year-old notary Dmitry Bubliya and 76-year-old Mikhail Tsivin were sent to a general regime correctional colony for 5 years.  Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

By decision of the court, 53-year-old notary Dmitry Bubliya and 76-year-old Mikhail Tsivin were sent to a general regime correctional colony for 5 years. Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

It would seem that back on May 26, the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow put an end to the loud crime drama, which lasts for almost three years. According to the court decision of the 76-year-old Mikhail Tsivin and a 53-year-old notary Dmitry Bubliya sent to a general regime correctional colony for 5 years. Tsivin’s wife, 74-year-old actress Natalia Drozhzhina They gave me 4 years probation.

All three were found guilty of fraud with family property Alexey Batalov.

Dmitry Bubliya was taken into custody in the courtroom. Mikhail Tsivin was arrested even earlier. In addition, they must be awarded compensation for moral damages in favor of Maria Batalova And Titans Leontenko, daughters and widows of a national artist.

It seems that justice has triumphed. But all parties to the process were unhappy. Some considered it too soft, others – too harsh.

Back in May, when it was announced sentence, the prosecutor’s office considered it too lenient. And she filed an appeal. Initially, the state prosecution asked for notary Dmitry Bubliy, Natalya Drozhzhina and Mikhail Tsivin to be sentenced to a real (and not conditional like Drozhzhina) sentence of 5,6,7 years, respectively.

Maria Batalova also asked for the maximum punishment: “Let the cell for each of them become a cell,” she said in court, meaning that in prison they would atone for their sins.

Natalya Drozhzhina

Natalya Drozhzhina

Photo: Alexander BATALOV

Let us remind you that married couple – Mikhail Tsivin and Natalya Drozhzhina managed to ingratiate themselves with the Batalovs and fraudulently took possession of most of their real estate and money. Notary Dmitry Bubliy helped to formalize dubious transactions. As a result, Maria Batalova’s property (1/3 share in a four-room apartment in the famous House on the Embankment, Serafimovicha Street, 2, non-residential premises of 20 m2 in the same building and a two-room apartment in 1st Samotechny Lane) became the property of Drozhzhina. Money disappeared from the Batalovs’ accounts, including foreign currency accounts – more than 20 million rubles. Where these millions are is unknown. Tsivin and Drozhzhina withdrew money by proxy. They were accused of fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – fraud on an especially large scale, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy).

When in Zamoskvoretsky court When the guilty verdict was announced, 55-year-old Maria Batalova burst into tears. Not out of pity for the people who wanted to deprive her, a disabled child, of everything. Maria is convinced that a suspended sentence instead of a real one in prison is too lenient a punishment for Natalya Drozhzhina. In her opinion, the 74-year-old actress, remaining free, poses a danger to her.

“Masha fears that if Drozhzhina is free, he may take revenge on Masha,” explained Alexei Batalov’s widow, Gitana Arkadyevna Leontenko. – We are really afraid of her. And she is not afraid of anything. She lied in court, and she was not ashamed…

Therefore, the Batalovs, as well as the prosecutor’s office, filed an appeal against the court’s verdict.

Tsivin and Drozhzhina did not admit their guilt. And they also filed an appeal. Like notary Dmitry Bublii, he admitted that he committed professional negligence, but this is not a reason to put him in prison for five years. Moreover, he has a minor child.

The offenders should receive compensation for moral damages in favor of Maria Batalova and Gitana Leontenko, the daughter and widow of the People's Artist

The offenders should receive compensation for moral damages in favor of Maria Batalova and Gitana Leontenko, the daughter and widow of the People’s Artist

Photo: Anastasia PLESHAKOVA

Today, the Moscow Court was considering an appeal from all parties to this wondrous process: from the Batalovs, and from Tsivin and Drozhzhina, and from Bublius, and from the procurators.

As a result, the meeting was postponed to October 26.

Mikhail Tsivin’s representative declared no confidence in the Moscow court. He will appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with a request to send appeals from the Moscow City Court to the city court… of St. Petersburg. They say that Moscow judges have discredited themselves.

Natalya Drozhzhina did not participate in today’s meeting. Mikhail Tsivin and Dmitry Bublii joined the process via video link from prison.


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