
The Pioneer mine is likely filled with water

Engineers and rescuers left the Pioneer mine due to the danger of another rock breakthrough

It became known that the Pioneer mine, which is located in the Amur region, is most likely filled with water. Due to the danger of a repeated breakthrough of the rock and collapse of the side of the quarry, rescuers and engineers were forced to leave the mine.

Let us remind you that the rock collapse occurred on March 18, 13 shift workers were underground at that moment. Drilling of three more wells is currently progressing according to plan.

“At a depth of 153 meters, as exploration shows, there is water in the mine workings. Most likely, other workings of the mine are flooded,” writes TASS, citing operational services.

The technical council will decide what rescuers and engineers should do next.

A breakthrough of ice and rock occurred at a depth of 97 meters. This is 50 meters higher than the last official location of the miners. Moreover, the entire volume of the breakthrough amounted to 195 thousand cubic meters.

Author Elena Galabaeva

Elena Galabaeva – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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