
The police again rejected an investigation linked to Orbán

According to the police, the fact that something can be done on a market basis cheaper than what the government pays for it does not raise the suspicion of a crime, reports Media1.

Media1 reported on it in September, when independent member of parliament Ákos Hadházy filed a police report on suspicion of embezzlement, as he believed the state had paid a much higher price than the market price for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s English-language website.

However, has now reported that the police rejected the investigation because. In its justification, BRFK did not dispute that the order could have been cheaper on a market basis, but in their view, this does not yet raise the suspicion of a crime.

According to the whistleblower, the reasoning is more amazing than the rejection. According to him, nothing raises the suspicion of mismanagement and fraud more than the fact that the state buys services much more expensive than the market

According to this reasoning, the state can practically buy something at ten or a hundred times the price, even then the Hungarian police will not be willing to investigate

Ákos Hadházy stated.

And yet Viktor Orbán has repeatedly spoken about how such investigations also praise the justice system.

You constantly accused us of not applying the same laws to everyone in Hungary. I see the opposite

he said in parliament in April.

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