
the reason for the mysterious accumulation of these creatures off the coast of California has been named

“Kindergarten” of octopuses in the ocean: the reason for the mysterious accumulation of these creatures off the coast of California has been revealed

Along the California coast, at the base of a huge seamount, a unique aggregation of octopuses has been discovered, dubbed “pearl” octopuses because of their skin, studded with small spots that reflect light, giving the appearance of scattered precious stones.

This phenomenal place was first noticed by scientists in 2018, when an amazing “kindergarten” of thousands of octopus nests was discovered.

Marine science team led by James Barry from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) spent five years researching and conducting a series of dives to uncover the mystery of the site. As a result, it was found that underwater waters, penetrating through the seabed, are enriched with the heat of volcanic sources. This warm water has a surprising effect on the octopuses’ reproductive processes, allowing their eggs to develop and hatch more quickly, The Guardian reports.

The area of ​​this unique site exceeds 3 square kilometers, making it the largest aggregation of octopuses ever discovered by scientists. The researchers also speculate that similar octopus nurseries may exist in other deep sea areas, although they have not yet been discovered.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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