
The return of Pugacheva and Galkin worries Prilepin

Alla Pugacheva And Maksim Galkin* want to return, the writer believes Zakhar Prilepin. He shared his opinion on this burning issue with Ksenia Sobchak in the first post assassination attempts big interview.

The patriotic writer allowed the return of stars who do not support Russia’s actions in Ukraine, although this would be unpleasant for him.

“They have every reason to return and live here. I understand that this can happen, but I am purely humanly disgusted,” admitted Prilepin.

In his opinion, the departure of the Prima Donna and other giants of Russian show business opened the way for a young generation, among which those who support their country predominate.

“Nobody kicked out Bely*, Makarevich*, or Grebenshchikov*, they left of their own free will. And this gave an extraordinary surge of opportunities for young writers, musicians, directors – they immediately filled the empty gaps. Previously, they were from the silent layer, because the mafia was in prison,” Zakhar explained.

If the famous fugitives return, they will once again push into the shadows all those who “empathize with the Russian soldier,” Prilepin worries. “If the gop company returns, then the beginning artists will be swept away, and there will be nothing left of them. And there is no healthy competition,” he complained.

*Минюстом РФ признаны иноагентами.

Author Sergey Kobin

Sergey Kobin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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