
The Russian Foreign Ministry promised to respond to the anti-Russian actions of the Finns

Anti-Russian steps Finland will not be left without attention, follows from the statement of the head of the second European department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Belyaev.

He reported on the “consistent confrontational anti-Russian policy” of the Finns, including assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), as well as tightening restrictive measures against Moscow.

As the diplomat explained, Finland, having become part of the North Atlantic Alliance, provoked the curtailment of active bilateral dialogue with Russia.

According to the diplomat, last fall Finland banned Russians from entering the state. Only a limited circle of people (for example, property owners) can cross the border, Belyaev clarified. He also recalled that the existing bans have recently been strengthened by additional measures.

“We can definitely say that any anti-Russian actions will not go unanswered,” a Foreign Ministry representative clarified in a conversation with RIA Novosti.

He called on Finland to stop the “predatory seizure” of the property of Russian citizens.

On November 19, Finns went out to protests demanding the opening of the border with Russia. Participants in the event stated that all people have a legal basis to cross the border.

Author Yulia Milenina

Yulia Milenina is a correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

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