
The Russian Ministry of Defense destroyed 205 paratroopers and attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Rabotino

Photo: Alexey Konovalov/TASS

Photo: Alexey Konovalov/TASS

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, at the last briefing informed the media about the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past 24 hours: in the Donetsk direction, in eight attacks, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 140 Ukrainian troops, in the Yuzhno-Donetsk up to 235, in the Zaporozhye direction near Rabotino, more than 205 paratroopers and attack aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed , on Krasnolimansky up to 65, on Kupyansky up to 85, on Khersonsky up to 80.

In addition to 810 mercenaries of the Kiev regime, our soldiers liquidated ammunition depots of the 79th air assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 114th territorial defense brigade, and during the counter-battery fight they hit five howitzers of the M777, M119 and M109 “Paladin” (USA) models.

At this time, army aviation, missile forces and artillery of our group destroyed Ukrainian radar stations for detecting and tracking air targets P-18 in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Lukashevo, Zaporozhye region and ST-68 in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bKrutoyarovka, Dnepropetrovsk region, as well as manpower and military equipment enemy in 129 areas.

During the day, air defense systems intercepted five rockets from the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and destroyed and suppressed 37 Ukrainian drones using electronic warfare systems.


In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed:

467 – aircraft.

248 – helicopters.

6706 – unmanned aerial vehicles.

437 – anti-aircraft missile systems.

11811 – tanks and other armored combat vehicles.

1150 – combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems.

6359 – field artillery guns and mortars.

12958 – units of special military vehicles.


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