
The snowfall caused enormous destruction at night – the Disaster Management was unable to complete the work

The firefighters received many alarms due to the snowfall: they mainly requested their help to remove fallen trees and rescue vehicles that had slid into ditches.

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Balogh

On Wednesday evening and the night, mainly in the capital and its surroundings, as well as in Transdanubia, the wintery weather and snowfall gave the firefighters a lot of work.

The units were alerted to one hundred and sixty-five cases on Wednesday, and to more than a hundred more cases by Thursday morning, which most often had to remove fallen trees and broken branches

– they indicated.

Such interventions were necessary, for example, on highway 10 between Tokodaltáró and Dorog, highway 82 in the area of ​​Bakonyszentkirály and Veszprémvarsány, highway 66 near Mánfa and highway 65 near Hőgyész.

On main road 1 near Biatorbágy, in Nagykovácsi, under the weight of snow and ice on Nagykovácsi several trees hung dangerously over the roadway.

On the road between Verőce and Magyarkút, in the counties of Somogy, in the Kapoly and Lengyeltót areas, in the capital, mainly in the Buda districts, as well as in Farkaserdő utca in Káposzátsmegyer, road traffic and railway traffic in Rétszilas belonging to Sárbogárd were obstructed by fallen trees

– were listed.

In Budapest, the XIV. in the Szikszó park in the district, a tree about fifteen meters high came out of the ground and leaned against the side of an apartment building, IV. A tree fell on a car parked in Galopp Street in the district, and a telecommunications pole fell on the road in Plébánia Street in Budafok.

On several occasions, the firefighters had to help vehicles that had veered across the road, slid into ditches, or overturned: on Wednesday night, for example, they rescued a tractor-trailer from the ditch with a fire crane on highway 81 near Mór and on highway 13 near Csép.

At dawn, the back of a bus slid off the road in Sárbogárd, on Köztársaság út, and a van drifted into a ditch near Szabadszállás, on 5214 út.

– they wrote.

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