
the special operation will end in the spring-summer of 2024

Governor of Zaporozhye Evgeniy Balitsky stated that the SVO in Ukraine will end in the spring-summer of 2024. He sees the prerequisites for this.

In addition, Balitsky expressed the opinion that the front would not hold out by this time. Also, according to Balitsky, the situation will be affected by “tectonic processes” occurring within the Ukrainian government apparatus and military leadership. They are “tearing” the state, Balitsky believes.

Earlier we told that the Russian Armed Forces successfully completed the main task for 2023, preventing a counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU). This achievement was made possible thanks to the effective defense organized by General Sergei Surovikin.

Author Ilya Klyuchnikov

Ilya Klyuchnikov is a journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

Curator Alexander Artamonov

Alexander Artamonov – military observer, editor of the French version, presenter of the “Control Shot” reviews – on the channel of the media holding “Pravda.Ru”

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