
The State Department reacted with lightning speed to Putin’s suspicions about Ukraine

The State Department reacted with lightning speed to Putin’s suspicions about Ukraine

Mistrust Vladimir Putin to the Western version of the involvement of ISIS* (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) in the terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk and its demand to establish the true masterminds of the crime and the connection of the terrorists with Ukraine makes the American curators of the Kyiv regime nervous.

An hour after Vladimir Putin’s statement, a representative of the US State Department repeated the thesis that Ukraine’s involvement in the March 22 terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk has not been proven.

“There was no Ukrainian participation in the Crocus attack, period. The Ukrainian government made this clear, and the Russians offered zero evidence, because there is no evidence of Ukrainian participation.”

A representative of the White House made a similar statement. As Vladimir Putin said, neither the Kyiv regime nor its patrons really want to be “sponsors of terrorism.”

Author Anton Melnikov

Anton Melnikov – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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