
The Supreme Council of Accounts recommends that the government activate the road map procedures to implement the National Charter for Administrative Decentralization and evaluate its results – Today 24

The Supreme Council of Accounts, the Presidency of the Government, in the conclusions of a thematic report it issued on activating advanced regionalization, recommended a set of recommendations related to the legal and institutional aspects, activating the procedures programmed in the road map to implement the National Charter for Administrative Decentralization and evaluating its results, as well as providing appropriate conditions and mechanisms for the regular work of the Ministerial Committee for Decentralization. Administrative.

The Supreme Council called for accelerating the preparation and issuance of decrees related to the establishment of joint regional administrative representations of the state, and defining their powers, organization, and coordination mechanisms between their components, to achieve unity of work of the state’s interests at the regional level, and to ensure good coordination among them.

The Al-Adawi Council also called on the Prime Minister to accelerate the pace of transferring priority competencies related to investment to decentralized departments with the aim of facilitating administrative procedures for investment, and enabling investors to complete them in appropriate conditions, on the basis of a specific work schedule that takes into account the tight coordination between ministerial sectors.
The Council also recommended that the Ministry of the Interior determine the legislative and regulatory texts related to the competencies of the ministerial sectors related to the autonomous and joint competencies of the entities, and develop a work plan and time programming to suit them in coordination with the relevant ministerial sectors.
The same council also recommended that the Ministry of Laftit adopt the draft law related to the basic system of the territorial public service, by placing it in the framework of legislation, to attract competencies at the territorial level, enhance continuous training for the benefit of territorial municipal employees, and ensure that it includes sufficient guarantees to keep the employees of the regions immune from… Any subjective influences.

In a similar context, the Supreme Council of Accounts recommends to the Ministry of Economy and Finance to develop an appropriate basic system for regional agencies to implement projects to enable them to increase their attractiveness to attract human resources with high experience and expertise, taking into account the specificities of their territorial area.
It also recommended that the delegated ministry in charge of digital transition and administration reform review the organizational structures related to centralized and decentralized interests, and align them with the competencies specified in the directorate designs for administrative decentralization approved by the Ministerial Committee for Administrative Decentralization, in coordination with the relevant ministerial sectors.
With regard to the mechanisms and resources for activating advanced regionalization, the Council also recommended that the Ministry of the Interior take measures, first and foremost, to support and accompany the regions in preparing implementable regional development programs that take into account the regions’ ability to implement them and the financial resources that can be mobilized, and to be careful in determining the financial and automatic composition. Between development programs and other public policies, while identifying projects scheduled to be completed within a contractual framework with the state.

In its recent report, the Council called on the Ministry of the Interior to accompany the authorities to improve the productivity of their human resources, especially by establishing a system of predictive management of numbers, jobs and competencies, to facilitate decision-making related to the management of human resources, strengthen their management capabilities, and adapt positions and competencies to the specificities of the region’s territorial area, in addition to To keep pace with the authorities in order to update the designs of the Regional Directorate for Continuing Training, to diagnose the qualifications of members of territorial community councils, monitor needs in the field of continuous training, and adapt training plans, while ensuring the implementation of annual programs for training courses according to the timetable specified in the designs.

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