
There may be harmful salts in the soil. We tell you the reasons

There may be harmful salts in the soil. We tell you the reasons


02/13/2024 08:01

Soil salinization is the accumulation of salts harmful to plants. It can be caused by natural causes, such as the proximity of the sea or the presence of salt marshes, or man-made, such as improper use of fertilizers or irrigation.

Natural causes of soil salinity

  • Proximity of the sea. Salt from seawater can penetrate and accumulate in the soil.
  • Presence of salt marshes. Salt marshes are areas of soil that contain large amounts of salts. They can form as a result of evaporation of water from salt lakes or swamps, as well as as a result of weathering of rocks.
  • Desert climate. In deserts there is little rain, so the salts contained in the soil are not washed away and accumulate in it.

Anthropogenic causes of soil salinity

  • Improper use of fertilizers. Excessive application of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, can lead to the accumulation of salts in the soil.
  • Irrigation. Irrigation can lead to soil salinization if the water used for irrigation contains a lot of salts.
  • Construction of roads and buildings. When constructing roads and buildings, the top layer of soil, which contains less salt, can be removed and salty soil can be filled in its place.

Solving the problem of soil salinity

  • Drainage. Drainage is a system of channels and pipes that allows excess water to be drained from the soil. Drainage helps lower groundwater levels and reduce salt buildup in the soil.
  • Soil washing. Soil flushing is the process of pouring large amounts of water onto the soil to flush out salts. Soil flushing can be effective if the water used for irrigation contains few salts.
  • Use of salt-tolerant plants. Salt-tolerant plants are plants that can grow in saline soil. Growing salt-tolerant plants can help reduce soil salinity levels.
  • Application of organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers such as compost and manure can help improve soil structure and reduce salinity levels.

Prevention of soil salinity

  • Use moderate doses of fertilizers.
  • Use of water with low salt content for irrigation.
  • Carrying out drainage works.
  • Growing salt-tolerant plants.
  • Application of organic fertilizers.

By adhering to these recommendations, you can prevent salinization of the soil in the area and maintain its fertility.

Soil salinity: what to do about it

Author Vladislav Lenivko

Vladislav Lenivko – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Andrey Tumanov

Andrey Tumanov – Russian journalist and TV presenter, producer, political figure

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