
These tips from Roskachestvo will help you avoid a hangover after the New Year


12/31/2023 12:36

Before the festive feast, it is necessary to properly prepare the body. Roskoshestvo recommends eating potatoes, fatty fish, nuts and greens several hours before drinking alcohol. This helps prevent rapid intoxication and reduce the likelihood of a hangover.

The organization emphasizes that it is important not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach, and also suggests taking activated carbon or other adsorbents several hours before the feast.

It is advised to eat 2-3 hours before the feast, and if necessary, have a snack with yogurt, nuts or a protein shake. Potatoes help prevent the absorption of alcohol in the stomach, and complex carbohydrates prevent changes in blood glucose levels. Fatty fish, vegetable oils and nuts rich in healthy fats slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood.

It is also important to take into account the influence of greens, since alcohol causes fluid retention in the body. It is recommended to consume dill, parsley and green leafy vegetables to remove excess fluid from the body.

The organization notes that intoxication and its consequences depend not so much on the degree of alcohol, but on the mixing of different drinks. It is recommended to drink only one drink during the holiday and avoid mixing different types of alcohol or alcoholic cocktails, RIA Novosti reports.

It is important to stop eating and drinking 2-3 hours before bedtime so that the body has time to digest what you eat and drink. This promotes better sleep, wakefulness and prevents hangovers and headaches the next day, Roskachestvo emphasizes.

Author Oleg Loginov

Oleg Loginov – student at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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