
This is Orbán’s biggest failure: a quarter of Hungarian students are functionally illiterate and unable to count independently

The proportion of underachievers in last year’s PISA survey is high, around 25 percent: this statement is true for OECD countries, including Hungary, reports

Magyar Hang reports on the conference of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where the speakers saw the result as a warning sign.

The test examines text comprehension, science and math abilities at the age of 15, and is actually a measure of the chance of independent adult success.

Many of the most developed countries also significantly deteriorated their previous results, such as Finland, Norway or Germany. The Hungarian results in 2022 indicate stagnation

– writes the paper.

There are six categories in the test, the best performers receive the sixth rating. János Steklács (University of Pécs) spoke about text comprehension skills, according to whom only 5 percent achieve at least the fifth category, while 26 percent do not even manage the second category. Moreover, the data has only worsened in the last ten years.

Csaba Csíkos talked about how the concept of illiteracy can also be raised in the context of mathematical results:

anyone who cannot deal with numbers at least at a level corresponding to the second category, may not be able to stand his ground as an adult in the modern world.

Among the EU’s 2030 objectives is to reduce their proportion below 15 percent, while the Hungarian figure is currently 29.6 percent.

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