
Vinokur felt ill before going on stage


12/31/2023 11:23

Vladimir Vinokur is 75 years old, and despite his mature age, he continues his active creative work as a sought-after comedian. Vinokur carefully monitors his health, paying attention to proper nutrition.

The artist emphasized that he controls his diet, avoiding consumption of sugar and fatty meat. He also said that he prefers tea with honey. I also excluded lard, bread and buns from my diet, trying to maintain optimal weight.

Despite caring about his health, Vinokur admitted that sometimes his body can fail. He shared this experience on the air of the “Secret to a Million” program on the NTV channel. In a recent episode, before going on stage, the artist began to experience unpleasant sensations, but Vinokur decided to overcome himself by going on stage with young artists under the age of 30. This step helped Vladimir Vinokur overcome his malaise, and he performed successfully.

Author Angelina Efremova

Angelina Efremova – freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru, student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

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