
Vinokur spoke about his daughter’s breakup with her husband


12/31/2023 00:54

Humorist Vladimir Vinokur was a guest of the “Secret to a Million” program on the NTV channel, where he openly shared the details of his daughter’s divorce Anastasia. In conversation with Leroy Kudryavtseva the artist expressed his feelings about this:

“Yes, I’m upset, I want my daughter to be happy, but they are quite mature people, if they decided so, I make that decision. They remained in a normal relationship, and I’m happy.”

Vinokur also emphasized that he approved of his daughter’s chosen one and did not change his opinion about him. At the time of the divorce, Vladimir Vinokur was more worried about his grandson, Fedor, who was only three years old at the time. Now he is just glad that the boy did not suffer from his parents’ divorce.

The artist also confirmed that at the time of the divorce no demands were made regarding alimony from Anastasia Vinokur. He also emphasized that Gregory (son) does not lack attention from his parents.

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Author Maria Petrova

Maria Petrova – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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