
“We saw Judith every day how much she was afraid of Péter” – Threatening messages, disdain for rural people: this characterized Magyar according to two former employees of the ministry

Two former senior employees of the Ministry of Justice spoke to Mandiner about Péter Magyar. The two government officials performed important tasks in the ministry under Judit Varga’s Ministry of Justice.

More strange things have come to light about Judit Varga’s ex-husband. An employee of the Ministry of Justice, speaking anonymously, told Mandiner, close to the government, that

he experienced several times that Péter Magyar threatened.

He told the newspaper:

In February, Péter Magyar sent a text message to all of Judit Varga’s direct colleagues, who had insight into their daily lives, that if they dared to talk about it, he would report them.

The former employee stated:

having experienced the events of the past years up close, it was stomach-churning to see Péter presenting himself as a supportive husband during his first public interview. This picture is totally false, we sensed from all his expressions during our work that he is jealous of Judith and tries to harm her wherever he can. As he is doing right now.

Another employee, who previously also worked in the Minister’s Cabinet of the Ministry of Justice, told Mandiner that

we saw Judith every day how afraid she was of Péter, and how afraid she was of his unpredictable reactions to a decision she didn’t like or an accepted program invitation.

He added

Péter Magyar has always loved glamour, the world of VIP and skyboxes, everything else was worthless to him. If he didn’t sit in the right place or row at an event, he scolded us. The majority of the ministerial cabinet consisted of rural youth from different parts of the country. It was offensive to us how much Péter looked down on the country people; the minister’s family, relatives and friends from Miskolc could tell you more about this.

Unfortunately, he also created the conditions through which he did well He slowly and methodically separated and isolated his friends and close acquaintances from Judit.

After what happened in December 2020, Judit decided not to stay with Péter, and we helped Judit move away from him

the former colleague continued the story. Despite what happened, Judit kept hoping for the sake of her children that Péter would change, so she didn’t report him or ask for him to stay away.

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