
What wild instincts do our furries still have today: a shocking scientific discovery

What wild instincts do our furries still have today: a shocking scientific discovery


03/26/2024 03:37

The history of domestic animals is closely intertwined with the evolution of their wild ancestors. During the process of domestication, many of the primitive instincts are retained in our pets. Understanding these behavioral traits helps us better care for them and build more harmonious relationships with them.

Hunting instinct

Domestic cats and dogs still have the hunting instinct inherited from their wild ancestors. Cats may play with toys that imitate prey, and dogs will often chase balls or toy animals. This is not only a way of entertainment, but also a natural need to express your hunting skills.

Territorial behavior

Many domestic animals retain the instinct to defend their territory. Cats may mark their space, and dogs may bark or show aggression towards strangers. This is an adaptation that helped wild ancestors survive in the wild, and although domestic animals do not typically face such threats now, this instinct is still strongly expressed.

Social connections

Many domestic animals, especially dogs, have strong social instincts inherited from their wild ancestors. This is manifested in their desire to communicate and participate in social structures. Dogs, for example, may strive to establish a hierarchy within their family or among other dogs.

Preparation for reproduction

Reproductive behaviors are also inherited from wild ancestors. Cats and dogs exhibit periods of estrus and readiness to mate, and male dogs may develop aggressive instincts during breeding seasons. This is important to consider when caring for pets in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

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