
which product to choose and how to enhance their effect?

Conditioner or hair mask: which product to choose and how to enhance their effect?

Whether your hair is naturally dry or suffers from overuse of a straightening iron, you’ve probably been faced with the choice between conditioner and hair mask. But do you need to use both of these means or can you get by with one? The hairdressers of the portal will answer

Is a mask really better than regular conditioner?

Neither one is technically better than the other, they just operate slightly differently. Conditioner is typically lighter and is recommended for daily use to replenish moisture. The mask, on the other hand, contains thicker ingredients that restore softness and shine, and is recommended to be used once or twice a week, rather than daily. So, if you wash your hair every day, it makes sense to have both types of products on hand.

After all, even if your hair is soft and well-moisturized most of the time, there are times like sun exposure or overuse of hot tools that can cause it to become dry. It’s always a good idea to have a mask or conditioner on hand to give your locks some extra shine.

How to enhance the effect of a conditioner or hair mask?

Have you noticed that your hair has become dry lately? Instead of changing your current product or buying a new one, try leaving the conditioner or mask in your hair a little longer under a shower cap. Also, applying a little heat from a hair dryer can help the product penetrate deeper into the hair.

Following these tips, you will be able to use the conditioner or mask most effectively for your hair type, providing it with the necessary care and shine.

What is the difference between a mask, balm and conditioner

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