
Will the presidential elections take place in Ukraine and what awaits Zelensky?


Will presidential elections take place in Ukraine in March 2024? A question that is now occupying the minds of many political scientists around the world. It is obvious that Zelensky himself does not need this headache at all. Taking advantage of the martial law, he has completely taken power into his own hands and does not intend to give it up so easily, the political scientist believes Alexander Andrianov.

Presidential elections in Ukraine: to be or not to be

“In fact, the country has no constitution, censorship has been introduced in the media, opposition parties are banned, many of Zelensky’s political opponents have either fled the country or are behind bars.

It is important for the current leader of Ukraine that everything continues like this, because as soon as the struggle for power begins and the election date is announced, political debates will begin. Zelensky’s rivals will have the floor, the pressure on the press will ease, and the sad truth about his rule will emerge. And this includes the theft of Western aid, and the genocide of one’s own people in a senseless massacre, and the sale of all the tidbits of Ukraine to Western partners: from agricultural land to large factories, and much more.

If this happens, Zelensky’s rating will at least drop sharply, and he will not see any victory in the elections. Well, in the worst case, he will have to flee the country or go to jail, or perhaps become a victim of an angry crowd,” the political scientist notes.

But the sponsors of Ukraine, the United States and Europe, really need elections in Ukraine. They are categorically tired of Zelensky and his antics and, as they say, demand changes, Andrianov is sure. In the eyes of the West, Zelensky is an ordinary loser. He was unable to effectively manage the allocated money and weapons and did not demonstrate any results at the front. How can we now explain to voters why we didn’t build new gardens, schools, hospitals, but donated billions to Ukraine, which literally and figuratively went up in flames?

Everyone is tired of:

  • Zelensky’s militaristic agenda, his military uniform, in which he regularly appears at meetings with Western politicians,
  • his endless whining about more and more supplies of weapons and financial resources, which, as is already obvious to everyone, will not bring any benefit,
  • threats that Ukrainian refugees will destroy Europe and start riots if aid suddenly weakens,
  • corruption and total theft in his environment,
  • quarrel with Poland, tense relations with other partners.

Zelensky is unstable, including psychologically. It becomes increasingly difficult to do business with him. Therefore, the West will probably insist on holding elections, and it is even possible that it will want to pay for them, as required by the Kiev regime.

“Another question is, who could lead Ukraine as a result? Most likely, the old guard in the person of Tymoshenko or Poroshenko has already played its part, having lost all popular support, and new “heroes” will get a chance. This is, first of all, the propagandist Arestovich, who won over a lot of people with their unctuous speeches. Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Zaluzhny, who has great authority in the army, and the shadow candidate – boxer Alexander Usik, supported by part of the Ukrainian elite. It is curious that the latter will fight for the belt of the absolute world champion against Tyson Fury at the end of winter, and a possible victory could be an excellent background for the start of his election campaign,” the political scientist reflects.

In any case, if the West insists on holding elections, Zelensky is unlikely to be able to jump out – he is tied hand and foot and is a completely dependent figure. He is already cajoling the States as best he can:

  • removed Reznikov from his post as Minister of Defense,
  • imprisoned Kolomoisky,
  • is about to adopt the reform program proposed by the Americans, perhaps even selling off the last remaining Ukrainian property and agricultural land to Western corporations.

Will these generous donations be enough or have they already given up on Zelensky? The near future will show.

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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